On this page you can find the presentations of B-STRO 2023.
Friday 06 October 2023:
RTT pre-meeting course:
- Vision, strategy, actions points & current projects of VVRO - AFITER (APIM, VMBv). Ludwig Van Den Berghe (UZ Gent)
- Educational needs and Belgian framework for continuous education of RTT’s. Filipa Rodrigues-Sousa (Institut J. Bordet)
- Advanced roles of RTT in the Netherland. Lisanne Zwart (Medisch Spectrum Twente)
- Advanced practice for radiation therapists in France. Sophie Boisbouvier (Centre Léon Bérard)
- The educational framework. Pieternel Thysebaert (Odisee), Gauthier Coussement (Haute Ecole Léonard de Vinci)
MPE pre-meeting course:
- The basics of AI. Karen Feyen (Thomas More University of Applied Sciences)
- AI: practical and RT oriented. Ana Maria Barragan (UCLouvain)
Joint session presenting Why and How?
- Reactive ART. Evy Bossuyt (GZA Ziekenhuizen)
- Plan of the day. Barbara Vanderstraeten (UZ Gent), Nadine Linthout (OLVZ Aalst)
- Ethos. Ad Vandermeulen (UCLouvain), David Dechambre (UCLouvain)
Saturday 07 October 2023:
Joint session:
- Joint presentation of survey results concerning ART in Belgium. David Dechambre (UCLouvain), Aude Vaandering (UCLouvain)
- Summary of Friday’s theoretical session. D. Van Gestel (Institut J. Bordet), N. Linthout (OLVZ Aalst)
- Address practicalities of ART: Offline ART. Filipa Rodrigues-Sousa (Institut J. Bordet)
- Address practicalities of ART: Online ART. Christel Abdel Massih (UCLouvain), Peggy Biesemans (UZ Brussel), Sven D’Haese (UZ Brussel)
Parallel sessions:
1. Medical Physics Experts & Radiation oncologists
Joint concluding session: